Perfomance of DELTATEC
Through intense research, DELTATEC developed a welding process exclusively designed for maintenance. Through intense research, DELTATEC developed a welding process exclusively designed for maintenance. Maintenance welding requires a combination of skill, ingenuity, confidence,and determination, all intermingled with scientific principles. Welding, of course, involves the four sciences of chemistry, metallurgy, physics and engineering. One without the others will fail. However, proper proportions of all will result in greater savings through maintenance welding. The highly researched super high alloy Deltatec electrodes with extra high alloy content, stabilizing agents, highly deoxidized metals, and high purity metals and other improvements completely change the character of the arc. Deltatec electrodes are the most advanced in the world with respect to maintenance applications. Deltatec electrode coatings contribute to maintenance weld quality in many special ways. The weld deposit additions that provide increased physical properties and increased resistance to cracking or costly weld failures.
What We Do ?
- DELTATEC Electrodes well performs in welding UNKNOWN Steels and HARDENED Steels without CRACKING.
- DELTATEC products have High physical properties including of Higher Tensile Strength and Yield Strength with Higher Elongation.
- DELTATEC Products are increasing Efficiency with Cost saving and products are designed after deep study of applications.
- DELTATEC always maintains the stock and timely delivery.
- DELTATEC Maintenance welding Electrodes have been specially designed for the wide variety of Complex Welding. Electrodes have greater versatility built in to them, each product gives optimum performance on a wide range of different joint designs.
- DELTATEC electrodes are the most advanced in the world with respect to maintenance applications.
- DELTATEC electrodes are the most advanced in the world with respect to maintenance applications.
- DELTATEC has Established the technical resource for immediate action and feed back.
- DELTATEC products have High physical properties including of Higher Tensile Strength and Yield Strength with Higher Elongation.
- DELTATEC has Established the technical resource for immediate action and feed back.
- DELTATEC weld deposit additions that provide increased ,physical properties and increased resistance to cracking or costly weld failures.
- DELTATEC electrode coatings contribute to maintenance weld quality in many special ways.